Thursday 1 July 2010

The Everlasting question of where to Dine

As soon as someone brings up the question "so where are we going to eat?" an inexplicable silence or a huge argument arises and feeding the grouchy mood the involved people in the talk already suffer of.

Whilst not everyone likes the same food or even worse – they are allergic to certain kinds of dishes, and to top off you have to plan for the vegetarians and their quirky needs, oh yes there are multiple types of vegetarians ranging from the ones that allow some fish, egg and some dairy produce in their diet to the ones that refuse to eat if the hardware their food is cooked and served upon previously has been in any contact with any form of meat or produce that is in their disallowed list.

Once you have managed to sort out the details of your group you have to find a location where everyone can enjoy this meal. Just pray that whatever location you choose has not been bad to anyone in your party or you will likely hear this comment “I hate that place, they have the worst ugly interior decorations“.

How to solve this

While not being culinary experts here – we do know what a good time is and today we’re having a look at how you can get a solid meal on a strained budget; something we believe all would like in these times. We may be out of the recession but that doesn’t mean we are all made of money and even if you have it solid you are almost certain to have that friend that still struggles a little bit and on their list of priority an luxurious meal out is just about down at the bottom, possibly outranking cleaning the shower drain.

John Walker loves to save money and does not mind sharing his ideas with the public. He is a fervent user of shopper discounts and talks about them with warmth.